Parham & Associates Environmental Consulting, LLC
President, 2008 to present
Developing GIS and database applications for natural resource management issues including the creation of an integrated database and literature survey for pallid sturgeon in the lower Platte River and throughout their range.
Bishop Museum
Hydrologist, July 2005 to present
Responsible for project developing a rainfall to runoff model for estimating stream flow in Hawaiian streams for coordination with GIS habitat models. Also responsible for creating an Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds covering all watersheds and aquatic resource data for the state of Hawaii.
University of Nebraska – School of Natural Resources Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Associate, December 2001 to June 2005
Developed GIS models to allow coordination among findings of multiple research projects on the habitat use of sturgeon with spatial data on habitat availability and river discharge in the lower Platte River. Additional responsibilities focused on the continuation of developing GIS habitat models for Hawaiian Streams.
Louisiana State University - Museum of Natural Science
Research Assistant, January 1998 to 2001
Designed and developed GIS models of Hawaiian streams for the Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources
Louisiana State University - Museum of Natural Science
Curatorial Assistant, July 1997 to December 1997
Maintained the collection of fishes, approximately 122,000 specimens, and processed loan requests.
University of Guam - Marine Laboratory
Research Assistant, September 1993 to February 1996
Monitored of the fishes and macrofauna of a tropical stream on Guam. Duties included field survey modification and implementation, comparison of the previous years results with current years survey and report writing.
University of Guam - Marine Laboratory
Research Assistant, January 1995 and January 1996
Surveyed the streamfishes of Palau and Pohnpei (Micronesia) to aid in mitigating the effects of proposed development projects. This project entailed surveys and collections in remote watersheds. Additional duties included data analysis and report preparation.
University of Guam - Water and Energy Research Institute
Research Assistant, May 1994 to May 1995
Determined the microhabitats of the streamfishes of the Asmafines River, a small tropical stream on Guam, with respect to instream flow requirements. Helped write proposal, determined site and survey method, carried out visual surveys, and wrote technical report.