Much of my research has been focused on the development of Geographic Information System (GIS) models for use in instream flow and habitat availability studies. Instream flow has been and will continue to be a difficult but critical issue to address in many geographic locations as human populations and the concomitant need for freshwater increases.
I have been developing GIS-based multi-spatial models that address many important components of hydrology, geomorphology, and fish ecology to allow for improved use of freshwaters while protecting the natural environment. In a general sense, the models accomplish three interrelated tasks.
By combining these different modeling areas into a single GIS, the local expression of larger scale processes can provide an estimate of the natural condition for a location. Using the results of the model, resource managers and resource users can determine local resource development strategies that protect the environment while allowing appropriate development.
In addition to the GIS modeling expertise, I have extensive experience in database design, development, and implementation within an organization. The databases provide an effective way to integrate the results of the more complex GIS models with the field survey information.
I have wide ranging field experiences including work in most of the continental United States with extensive work in many rivers east of the Rocky Mountains. Additionally, I have worked in the Hawaiian and Micronesian islands and across the south coast of China. I have also consulted on projects in Brazil, Turkey, and Niger.
During the course of my field experiences, I have worked in collaboration with a wide variety of people and institutions, including international, federal, state, and municipal governmental agencies, university researchers, NGOs, private resource use interests, and Native American groups. I have taught at the university level, led field crews, advised students, moderated conferences, facilitated group modeling efforts, and given interviews for newspaper and radio media. I have been responsible for project management including grant acquisition, budgeting and purchasing, employee hiring and supervision, and project completion, presentation, and publication. Overall, I try to design and deliver coherent projects using the latest technologies to provide solutions to difficult resource management conflicts.