James E. Parham, Ph.D.

Digital Products


Parham, J.E., Boat Ramps of Old Hickory Lake, Tennessee. Part of a larger recreational fisheries project that used google maps to provide boat ramp information to anglers. PAEC.

Parham, J.E. 2009. Hawaiian Stream Habitat Evaluation Protocol. A multi-spatial model to provide standardized evaluation for stream animal habitat in Hawaiian streams to assess the impacts of land use change, flow diversion, habitat manipulation, and water quality issues. Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources

Parham, J.E. Predictive habitat models for Hawaiian stream fishes. 2008. GIS models that show expected distributions of stream fishes throughout Hawaii. Version 1. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources. 

Parham, J.E, Website for the Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and Their Aquatic Resources. 2008. www.HawaiiWatershedAtlas.com. Bishop Museum and Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, HI. Contains information for 430 individual watersheds on five islands in Hawaii. 

Parham, J.E. Database for the Pallid Sturgeon Literature Survey. 2008. A searchable database by area, subject category, life history stage, and author containing pallid sturgeon literature information. Platte River Recovery Implementation Program. 

Parham, J.E. Reporting application for DAR Point Quadrat Surveys. 2008. Custom reporting forms for rapid survey report generation. Version 1. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources. 

Parham, J.E. Database Reporting Application for DAR Rapid Bioassessment Surveys. 2008. Custom reporting forms for rapid survey report generation. Version 1. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources. 

Parham, J.E. Reach Classification for Hawaiian Streams. 2006. A GIS model that classified streams into reaches using their major geomorphological characteristics. Version 1. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources.  

Parham, J.E. Lower Platte River Habitat Availability Model. 2005. A GIS-based river discharge to habitat availability model for the lower 150 km of the Platte River. Version 1.0. 

Parham, J.E. Lower Platte River Connectivity Model. 2005. A GIS-based river discharge to river connectivity model for fish passage for the lower 150 km of the Platte River. Version 1.0. 

Parham, J.E and J Gilsdorf. UNL Deer Project Database, 2005. Designed database for long term tracking of deer throughout Nebraska for behavior, habitat use, and Chronic Wasting Disease studies by the University of Nebraska - School of Natural Resources. Version 1.0. 

Parham, J.E, J Fisher, and T Barada. Nebraska Statewide Stream Survey Database. 2004. Designed database for a 3 year statewide stream surveys of 119 streams in Nebraska for the University of Nebraska - School of Natural Resources and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Version 1.0. 

Parham, J.E. Lower Platte River Fish Survey Database. 2002 and continuous updates to 2005. Designed database for integration of multiple projects focused on endangered fishes in the lower Platte River. University of Nebraska - School of Natural Resources. Versions 1 to 6.0. 

Parham, J.E. Statewide Instream Flow Estimator. 2003. A GIS model for estimating stream discharge from annual rainfall, solar radiation, and topography data for Hawaiian streams. Version 1. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources.

Parham, J.E. Hawaii Stream Type Classification Model. 2003. A GIS model that classified streams by their major geomorphological characteristics based on data from 150 Hawaiian streams. Version 1. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources.  

Parham, J.E, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, and G.R. Higashi. Hawai’i Division of Aquatic Resources Surveys Database. 2002-2010. A database to store historical and current fisheries surveys in nearshore, esturine, and stream environments. Versions 1-4. Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources.

copyright 2009