Parham, J.E., G.R. Higashi, E.K. Lapp, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, R.T. Nishimoto, S. Hau, D.A. Polhemus, J.M. Fitzsimons, and W.S. Devick. 2008. Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and their Aquatic Resources: Island of Kaua’i. Bishop Museum and Division of Aquatic Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i. 614 p.
Parham, J.E., G.R. Higashi, E.K. Lapp, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, R.T. Nishimoto, S. Hau, D.A. Polhemus, J.M. Fitzsimons, and W.S. Devick. 2008. Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and their Aquatic Resources: Island of O’ahu. Bishop Museum and Division of Aquatic Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i. 672 p.
Parham, J.E., G.R. Higashi, E.K. Lapp, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, R.T. Nishimoto, S. Hau, D.A. Polhemus, J.M. Fitzsimons, and W.S. Devick. 2008. Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and their Aquatic Resources: Island of Molokai’i. Bishop Museum and Division of Aquatic Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i. 420 p.
Parham, J.E., G.R. Higashi, E.K. Lapp, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, R.T. Nishimoto, S. Hau, D.A. Polhemus, J.M. Fitzsimons, and W.S. Devick. 2008. Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and their Aquatic Resources: Island of Maui. Bishop Museum and Division of Aquatic Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i. 866 p.
Parham, J.E., G.R. Higashi, E.K. Lapp, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, R.T. Nishimoto, S. Hau, D.A. Polhemus, J.M. Fitzsimons, and W.S. Devick. 2008. Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and their Aquatic Resources: Island of Hawai’i. Bishop Museum and Division of Aquatic Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i. 1,262 p.
Book Chapters
Fitzsimons, J. M., R. T. Nishimoto, and J. E. Parham. 2008. Stream ecosystems. Pp. 100-132. In: D. Mueller-Dombois, K.W. Bridges, and C.C. Daehler, eds. Biodiversity assessment of tropical island ecosystems: PABITRA manual for interactive ecology and management. Bishop Museum, Honolulu.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Fitzsimons, J. M., R.T. Nishimoto, and J.E. Parham. 2008. Long-term ecological research and field methods for stream use decisions among oceanic islands of the tropical Pacific. Micronesica 40:87-100. (Proceedings of the Symposium on Long-Term Ecological Research in Pacific Ecosystems: A Focus of the Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect (PABITRA). 21st Pacific Science Congress, June 2007, Okinawa Japan. C.C. Daehler, ed.
Shuman, D.A., J.E. Parham, and E.J. Peters. 2007. Stock characteristics of shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 23 (2007), 484–488
Swigle, B.D., J.E. Parham, and E.J. Peters. 2007. Movement and Habitat Use by Shovelnose and Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Platte River, Nebraska. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Kuamo'o, D.G.K., G.R. Higashi, and J.E. Parham. 2007. Structure of the Division of Aquatic Resources Survey Database and use with a Geographic Information System. In: Biology of Hawaiian Streams and Estuaries, N.L. Evenhuis & J.M. Fitzsimons, eds. Bishop Museum Bulletin in Cultural and Environmental Studies 3:315-322.
Steinauer, M.L., J.E. Parham, and B.B. Nickol. 2006. Geographic analysis of host use, development, and habitat use of an acanthocephalan species, Leptorhynchoides thecatus. Journal of Parasitology. 92(3): 464-472.
Parham, J.E. 2005. Aquatic Survey Techniques on Oceanic Islands: Important Design Considerations for the PABITRA Methodology. Pacific Science. 59:2. pgs 283-291.
Fitzsimons, J.M., J.E. Parham, L.K. Benson, M.G. McRae, and R.T. Nishimoto. 2005. Biological Assessment of Kahana Stream, Island of O'ahu, Hawai'i, with the Use of Procedures from the PABITRA Manual for Interactive Ecology and Management. Pacific Science. 59:2. pgs 273-281.
Parham, J.E. 2002. Spatial models of Hawaiian streams and stream fish habitats. Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, LA. 155 p.
Fitzsimons, J.M., J.E. Parham, and R.T. Nishimoto. 2002. Similarities in behavioral ecology among amphidromous and catadromous fishes on the oceanic islands of Hawai'i and Guam. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 65:123-129.
Nelson, S.G., J.E. Parham, R.B. Tibbatts, F.A. Camacho, T.A. Leberer, and B.D. Smith. 1997. Distributions and microhabitats of the amphidromous gobies in streams of Micronesia. Micronesica. pg 83-91.
Parham, J.E. 1995. Habitat use by an assemblage of tropical oceanic island streamfishes. M.S. Thesis, University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Mangilao, Guam. 54 p.
Technical Reports
Parham, J.E. 2010. Technical Addendum to the Yellowstone River Intake Diversion Scientific Review. Compiled by PBS&J for Bureau of Reclamation. Billings, MT. 85 p.
Anders P.J., R.C.P. Beamesderfer, J.E. Garvey, J.E. Parham, and E.J. Peters. 2009. Intake Diversion Dam Modification, Lower Yellowstone Project: Science Review Report. Compiled by PBS&J for Bureau of Reclamation. Billings, MT. 147 p.
Parham, J.E., G.R. Higashi, R.T. Nishimoto, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda and T.T. Shindo. 2009. The Use of Hawaiian Stream Habitat Evaluation Procedure to Provide Biological Resource Assessment in Support of Instream Flow Standards for East Maui Streams. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 104 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Kolea Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 36 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Waikamoi Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 44 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Puohokamoa Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 32 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Punalau Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 32 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Honomanu Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 64 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Nua’ailua Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 56 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on ‘Ohi’a Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 38 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on West Wailua Iki Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 57 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on East Wailua Iki Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 52 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Kopili’ula Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 60 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Waiohue Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 60 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Paakea Gulch, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 52 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Kapa’ula Gulch, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 34 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Hanawi Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 46 p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, E.K. Lapp, S. Hau, D.G.K. Kuamo’o, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.S. Sakihara, T.E. Shimoda, R.T. Nishimoto, and D.A. Polhemus. 2009. Report on Makapipi Stream, Maui, Hawai’i. Division of Aquatic Resources and Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI. 52 p.
Parham, J.E. 2008. Development of a Database Modeling Tool to Predict Aquatic Species Distributions within Hawaiian Streams. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii. 56 p.
Parham, J.E. 2008. Development of Database Reporting Tools and Results from DAR Rapid Bioassessment Surveys Conducted on Nine North Shore Streams, Oahu, Hawaii. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii. 55 p.
King, C., E.K. Lapp, J.E. Parham, G.R. Higashi, S. Hau and D.G.K Kuamo’o. 2008. Survey report on Waihe’e Stream, Maui, Hawai'i. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii.
King, C., E.K. Lapp, J.E. Parham, G.R. Higashi, S. Hau and D.G.K Kuamo’o. 2008. Survey report on Pi’inaau Stream, Maui, Hawai'i. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii.
King, C., E.K. Lapp, J.E. Parham, G.R. Higashi, S. Hau and D.G.K Kuamo’o. 2008. Survey report on Waiehu Stream, Maui, Hawai'i. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii.
King, C., E.K. Lapp, J.E. Parham, G.R. Higashi, S. Hau and D.G.K Kuamo’o. 2008. Survey report on Honopou Stream, Maui, Hawai'i. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii.
King, C., E.K. Lapp, J.E. Parham, G.R. Higashi, S. Hau and D.G.K Kuamo’o. 2008. Survey report on Waiokamilo Stream, Maui, Hawai'i. Division of Aquatic Resources, DLNR, State of Hawaii.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, S. Hau, R.T. Nishimoto, D.A. Polhemus, E.K. Lapp, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, and T.S. Sakihara. 2008. Report on Honopou Stream, Maui. For the Commission on Water Resources Management. DLNR, Honolulu, HI. 50p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, S. Hau, R.T. Nishimoto, D.A. Polhemus, E.K. Lapp, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, and T.S. Sakihara. 2008. Report on Hanehoi Stream, Maui. For the Commission on Water Resources Management. DLNR, Honolulu, HI. 46p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, S. Hau, R.T. Nishimoto, D.A. Polhemus, E.K. Lapp, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, and T.S. Sakihara. 2008. Report on Piinaau Stream, Maui. For the Commission on Water Resources Management. DLNR, Honolulu, HI. 43p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, S. Hau, R.T. Nishimoto, D.A. Polhemus, E.K. Lapp, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, and T.S. Sakihara. 2008. Report on Wailuanui Stream, Maui. For the Commission on Water Resources Management. DLNR, Honolulu, HI. 34p.
Higashi, G.R., J.E. Parham, S. Hau, R.T. Nishimoto, D.A. Polhemus, E.K. Lapp, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, and T.S. Sakihara. 2008. Report on Waiokamilo Stream, Maui. For the Commission on Water Resources Management. DLNR, Honolulu, HI. 32p.
Parham, J.E. 2007. Hydrologic Analysis of the lower Platte River from 1954 -2004, with special emphasis on habitats of the Endangered Least Tern, Piping Plover, and Pallid Sturgeon. 2007. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, NE. 175p.
Peters, E.J. and J.E. Parham. 2007. Ecology and management of pallid sturgeon and sturgeon chub in the Platte River, Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, NE. 232 p.
Parham, J.E., E.J. Peters, C.N. Reade, and J. Olnes. 2005. Ecology and management of pallid sturgeon and sturgeon chub in the lower Platte River. Final report May 2005. The Pallid Sturgeon and Sturgeon Chub Task Force. 544 p.
Parham, J.E. 2003. GIS Habitat Modeling of Native Hawaiian Stream Fishes: Project Report. Division of Aquatic Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii.
Fitzsimons, J.M., J.E. Parham, L.K. Benson, and M.G. McRae. 2002. Biological Assessment of Kahana Stream, Island of O’ahu: Final Report. Division of Aquatic Resources and Commission on Water Resources Management, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii.
Peters, E.J., M. Kaminski, J. Olnes, J.E. Parham, C.N. Reade, R. Ruskamp, S. Sedlacek, D. Shuman, and B. Swigle. 2002. Ecology and management of pallid sturgeon and sturgeon chub in the lower Platte River: Progress report May 2001 / May 2002. The Pallid Sturgeon and Sturgeon Chub Task Force.
Peters, E.J., J. Olnes, J.E. Parham, C.N. Reade, R. Ruskamp, D. Shuman, V.A. Snook, and B. Swigle. 2001. Ecology and management of pallid sturgeon and sturgeon chub in the lower Platte River: Progress report May 2000 / May 2001. The Pallid Sturgeon and Sturgeon Chub Task Force.
Olnes, J., R. Ruskamp, J.E. Parham, and E.J. Peters. 2001. Water quality monitoring within the lower Platte River Basin: Annual report for 2000/2001. US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Smith, B.D., J.E. Parham, and S.G. Nelson. 1996. Annual report on the monitoring of the Ugum River Weir for the Public Utility of Guam 1995.
Nelson, S.G., B.D. Smith, J.E. Parham, B. Tibbatts, and F. Camacho. 1995. A survey of the streamfishes of the upper reaches of the Ngermeskang River, Palau, with recommendations for conservation and monitoring. University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Technical Report # 100, pp. 18.